Dr. Shibsankar Das is working as the Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics, Institute of Science (I.Sc.), Banaras Hindu University and also a Visiting Assistant Professor in the DST-Centre for Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences (CIMS), I.Sc., B.H.U. He obtained his Ph.D from I.I.T. Guwahati and a Part of his Ph.D. work was done in the Department of Theoretical Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology, Czech Technical University (CTU) in Prague, Czech Republic, under the prestigious Heritage(Erasmus Mundus) Fellowship funded by the European Commission for Ph.D. Exchange mobility program. His area of interest includes Chemical Graph Theory, Graph (Matching) Algorithms, String Matching (Approximate & Parameterized String-Matching Algorithms), Data Structures, Design and Analysis of Algorithms & Combinatorics.